Train the Trainer Workshop, Community Slides and KYR Presentations / Presentación Comunitaria

Note: The trainings and materials on this page were created prior to the Biden Administration. On January 20, 2021, DHS announced that it is reviewing the groups that ICE will target for arrest and deportation. IDP is monitoring ICE’s activities and we will update our materials as the situation evolves.

Nota: Los entrenamientos y materiales de esta página se crearon antes del comienzo de la Administración del Presidente Biden. El 20 de enero del 2021, el DHS anunció que está revisando los grupos a los que ICE prioriza para su arresto y deportación. IDP está monitoreando las actividades de ICE y actualizaremos nuestros materiales a medida que evolucione la situación. 

IDP conducts Train-the-Trainer Workshops to prepare advocates, organizers, and allies to give Know-Your-Rights presentations to clients and community members.

Be Informed: what is ICE, how do they operate, and what are your rights during an encounter with them?

In March and April 2023, the Immigrant Defense Project and the Surveillance Resistance Lab hosted a two-part train-the-trainer series about ICE surveillance, policing, and what to do during an encounter with ICE. The trainings are aimed to prepare advocates, organizers and allies to give Know Your Rights (KYR) information to clients and community members.

Part One gives an overview of how ICE operates and lays out the ways ICE uses policing and surveillance tools to locate, target, and track noncitizens.

Part Two explains Know Your Rights information in different scenarios.  It helps participants learn and discuss what to do during ICE encounters.

Watch the trainings at:
Be Informed: How ICE operates (Part One of Series)
Be Informed: Know Your Rights ICE Raids (Part Two of Series)
Slides from the trainings:

View IDP’s other Know Your Rights materials here.